I Robot, You Jane Quotes

Giles: Uh, when I've examined it, you can, uh, uh, skim it.
Ms. Calendar: Scan it, Rupert. That's scan it.
Giles: Of course.
Ms. Calendar: Oh, I know, our ways are strange to you, but soon you will join us in the 20th century. With three whole years to spare!
Giles: Ms. Calendar, I'm sure your computer science class is fascinating, but I happen to believe that one can survive in modern society without being a slave to the, um, idiot box.
Ms. Calendar: That's TV. The idiot box is TV. This is the *good* box!
Giles: I still prefer a good book.
Willow: Oh, Buffy, I didn't even see you.
Buffy: Or hear me. What was up last night? I tried your line, like, a million times.
Willow: Oh, I was, I was talking.
Buffy: Talking to...? Okay, that's it, you have a secret, and that's not allowed.
Willow: Why not?
Buffy: 'Cause... there's a rule.
Buffy: So, you've been seeing a guy, and you don't know what he looks like? Okay, this is a puzzle. No, wait, I'm good at these. Does it involve a midget and a block of ice?
Willow: I met him online.
Buffy: On line for what?
Buffy: Oh!
Willow: His name is Malcolm Black, he's eighteen, he lives in Elmwood, which is about eighty miles from here, and he likes me!
Buffy: Short, tall, skinny, fat?
Willow: Why does everything have to be about looks?
Buffy: Not everything, but some stuff is. I mean, what if you guys get really, really intense, and then you find out that he... has... a hairy back?
Willow: You're having an expression.
Buffy: I'm not. But if I was, it'd be saying, 'This just isn't like you.'
Willow: Not like me to have a boyfriend?
Buffy: He's boyfriendly?
Willow: I don't understand why you don't want me to have this. I mean, boys don't chase me around all the time. I thought you'd be happy for me.
Buffy: I just want you to be sure. To meet him face to face. In daylight, in a crowded place with some friends. Y'know, before you become all... obsessive.
Willow: Malcolm and I really care about each other. Big deal if I blow off a couple classes.
Buffy: I thought you said you overslept.
Willow: Malcolm said you wouldn't understand.
Buffy: Malcolm was right.
Giles: What was the name of this place?
Buffy: It said CRD. But, I couldn't get close enough to see what it was.
Xander: Calax Research and Development. It's a computer research lab. Third largest employer in Sunnydale till it closed down last year. What, I can't have information sometimes?
Giles: Well, it-it's just somewhat unprecedented.
Ms. Calendar: Oh, you are a *big* snob. You, you think that knowledge should be kept in these carefully guarded repositories where only a handful of white guys can get at it.
Giles: Nonsense! I simply don't adhere to a, a knee-jerk assumption that because something is new, it's better.
Ms. Calendar: This isn't a fad, Rupert! We are creating a new society here.
Giles: A society in which human interaction is all but obsolete? In which people can be completely manipulated by technology, well, well... Thank you, I'll pass.
Ms. Calendar: Well, ahem, I think you'll be very happy here with your musty, old books.
Buffy: And Moloch is inside that book?
Giles: Not anymore.
Xander: You released Moloch?
Buffy: Way to go!
Giles: I didn't read it! That dreadful Calendar woman found it and, and it was already blank.
Buffy: Okay, so a powerful demon with horns is walking around Sunnydale, and nobody's noticed?
Ms. Calendar: Hi. I got your message. What's so urgent?
Giles: Um, thank you for coming. Uh, I need your help. But before that, um, I need you to believe something that, um, you may not want to. Uh, there's, uh... something's got into the, um... i-i-inside, um... There's a demon in the Internet.
Ms. Calendar: I know.
Moloch: I was omnipotent. I was everything! Now I'm trapped in this shell!
Willow: Malcolm!
Willow: Remember me, your girlfriend?!
Willow: Well, I think it's time we break up!
Willow: Or maybe we can still be friends!
Giles: Truthfully, I'm even less anxious to be around computers than I used to be.
Ms. Calendar: Well, it was your book that started all the trouble, not a computer.
Ms. Calendar: Honestly, what is it about them that bothers you so much?
Giles: The smell.
Ms. Calendar: Computer's don't smell, Rupert.
Giles: I know! Smell is the most powerful trigger to the memory there is. A certain flower or a, a whiff of smoke can bring up experiences... long forgotten. Books smell. Musty and, and, and, and rich. The knowledge gained from a computer, is, uh, it... it has no, no texture, no, no context. It's, it's there and then it's gone. If it's to last, then, then the getting of knowledge should be, uh, tangible, it should be, um... smelly.
Ms. Calendar: Well! You really are an old-fashioned boy, aren't you?

Buffy: Hey, did you forget? The one boy I've had the hots for since I've moved here turned out to be a vampire.
Xander: Right, and the teacher I had a crush on? Giant praying mantis?
Willow: That's true.
Xander: Yeah, that's life on the Hellmouth.
Buffy: Let's face it: none of us are ever gonna have a happy, normal relationship.
Xander: We're doomed!
Willow: Yeah!