
aired on: January 10, 2001

written by: Jane Espenson

directed by: Christopher Hibler

Xander and Anya lie in bed together, discussing Riley's sudden departure. Anya asks Xander for some warning if he decides to run out on her, preferably a warning that leaves time for her to stop him. Anya recalls that back when she was Anyanka the Vengeance Demon, the same women would repeatedly end up requesting that a man that wronged them be punished, until it was pretty clear that the men weren't the problem. Xander figures that two relationships that end badly aren't really a trend, but he does wonder how Buffy is dealing with her loss.

The courtyard of a small convent is seen at night. Several nuns are inside, but they each go off in separate directions leaving one nun slowly walking past the fountain. A lock of blonde hair sticks uncharacteristically from the side of her headpiece. The sound of running footsteps draws closer and suddenly Buffy and a vampire are fighting in the courtyard, knocking the young sister aside. It takes less than a minute for Buffy to slay the vampire, discard her stake and help the nun to her feet. Stunned by what she has just seen, the sister tries to answer Buffy's numerous questions about what it's like to live the life of a nun.

In her training room, in the back of Giles' magic shop, Buffy is pounding on hand targets that Giles is wearing as he scolds her for dropping her shoulder and telegraphing her right punches. They also discuss the fact that Giles is going to visit the Watcher's Council in England and see if they have any information on the newest menace, Glory. Giles' eyes begin to glaze over as he remembers the resources available in the Watchers' Library. Buffy calls him back to earth. When Giles begins to really nag her about the shoulder, Buffy misses the target and cuffs Giles on the side of the neck, while apologizing for what doesn't look like an accident.

That brings an end to the physical workout, but they continue to discuss whether consulting the Watchers is a wise idea. Buffy stresses how critical it is that they not suspect that Buffy's sister, Dawn, is really a mystical Key that Glory is seeking - not just because it increases the risk of Glory finding out, but Buffy also doesn't trust what the Watchers might do with the information. Giles agrees, but he also counters that the more he can tell them about what Glory wants, the better the researchers can zero in on any record of her. They would both prefer not having to involve the Watchers, but Giles reminds her that they have exhausted his collection of books and, without Riley, they no longer have a contact with any government resources.

With the mention of Riley's name, Giles automatically apologizes to Buffy but she assures him that she's recovered from the horrible pain. When Giles begins to sound more upbeat, she seems to kid him about still being crushed, leaving an unclear impression of how she really feels. He offers to stay, but she feels that the information he might gain is important.

Buffy, Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya and Tara gathered around the round table near the back of the shop going over the final details of Giles' absence. Anya is looking forward to being in charge of the shop for a week, but Giles seems hesitant. Buffy assures him that they will make sure things are taken care of and Willow volunteers to help. Anya is confused, since she is the store's only employee, she fully expects to be in charge and Xander speaks up in her behalf. Giles confesses that his main concern is that she lacks people skills. Anya assures him that she can bribe and flirt with city inspectors, if necessary. Willow again assures Giles that she will help make sure that everything is okay. Anya complains to Xander about Willow interrupting. Giles leaves to change his airline tickets to return sooner. To change to a more pleasant topic, Xander asks Buffy to tell them about any killing that she did last night. When Buffy tells them that she met a nun that let her try on nun clothes, Xander regrets changing the topic.

That night at home, Buffy finds her mother up and dressed, which is a change for the better, since her operation. Joyce defends herself against Dawn's claim that her bathrobe had begun to smell from being worn so much. Joyce lies down to rest. Buffy and Dawn go to Buffy's room and Dawn peppers her with questions as Buffy looks through a magazine. Dawn notices that Riley's pictures have been taken down and admits that she would have done it sooner. Buffy at first denies that she was ever angry with Riley, then confesses that she was, but she didn't want to be rid of him. Dawn says that Riley's leaving was so sudden, but Buffy tells her that everyone else seemed to know that their relationship was in trouble, except her. Dawn wonders if part of Buffy's pain is due to the fact that she might have prevented the breakup if she had noticed in time. Buffy teases Dawn about being too smart. Buffy agrees that a large part of what she obsesses over is her mistakes. Dawn comforts Buffy that things will get better and then, perhaps because of her young age, she wonders if that is really true. Buffy takes over the role of comforter, assuring Dawn that generally heartaches heal with time and perhaps one day Riley will return to her and give her a chance to correct her mistakes of the past.

Spike is holding a box of chocolates before the top half of a blonde mannequin and practicing what he wants to say to win Buffy's heart. He's obviously worried that she will hate him for exposing Riley's taste for vampire women. Giving only one side of the imaginary talk, Spike is quickly arguing with the dummy. He begins to shout and scream at the ungrateful torso, finally hitting it with the chocolates and knocking it down. Composing himself he picks up the dummy, puts it back in place, picks up the tousled box of candy and calmly begins again.

At the Magic Box, Willow and Tara are collecting ingredients for a spell. One item reminds Willow of Amy, the rat, which Willow has been trying, for some time, to restore to her true form, as a young girl. Evidentially all she has succeeded in doing so far is perhaps increasing the rodent's intelligence, if Willow's right about the rat looking sneaky lately. When Anya questions her, Willow tells her that she is working on a variation of a spell, which allows Willow to light a dark room, that would allow Buffy to create artificial sunlight as a weapon for killing vampires at night. Anya is upset that Willow is taking stuff off the shelves and "doing things" while Giles is gone. Tara smiles as Willow compares Anya to the fish in "The Cat in the Hat", which constantly nagged that the Cat shouldn't do anything while the parents were away.Willow describes how even the fish ended up being a prop in the fun, which in some way explains why Willow couldn't have another fish for a pet until she was eleven. Anya is upset that they are talking about a book that she couldn't possible have read because she was a child at least a century before Dr. Seuss. She also accuses Willow of stealing the ingredients for her spell. Willow admits that she isn't paying for the stuff, but she assures Anya that Giles would approve of what she's doing, then she offers to teach Anya a few magic spells. Tempted Anya admits that she misses the magic powers she had as a demon. Then she accuses Willow of using peer pressure to try to tempt her into bad habits. With a smile, Willow begins to float a few items around the shop, as Anya whines for her to stop.

Xander arrives and both women immediate appeal to him to be on their side of the argument. Xander doesn't want anything to do with being in the middle. Willow argues that with Giles away, if she fails, he won't have to know about it, besides she isn't doing any harm. From the mixing vessel, Willow takes a pinch of dust and throws it on the counter. With a puff of smoke, the cash register disappears. Anya freaks out. With a word, Willow makes the register reappear, but it looks like its been partially destroyed. Anya quickly checks the money inside and can't believe that Willow would take chances with it. Willow begins to mimic Anya's formal way of talking and her concern for money over people. Anya appeals to Xander to stop her. Disgusted with both of them, Xander leaves them to work out their differences. Willow immediately tries to get Tara on her side, but Tara retreats as well.

Later, Willow mixes ingredients, as Anya keeps a running tally of the cost of each. Finally Willow tells her that quiet is important to the spell and Anya agrees to stop talking. Willow pours the mixture from a small green vessel into a larger golden metal urn. Anya interrupts again and Willow pleads for silence. She begins the incantation. Shortly a small sparkling ring of red and yellow light floats out of the urn and hovers, slowly growing in size. Anya purposely interrupts and Willow snaps at her. Willow tries again, but Anya won't be quiet. Willow turns and begins to argue with Anya as the floating ring grows larger, redder in color and begins to wobble unsteadily. The ring dips and brushes some vials lying on the glass counter. There is a lightning-like crackle of white-blue light and a big, green monster, with foot-long horns curving out of his temples and reddish-orange hair and a beard, appears in the middle of the store. He growls at the women, who cower together behind the display case. He then uses his huge war hammer to smash up the shop, on his way out the door. Willow admits that he isn't quite what she was trying for.

Buffy and Tara are signing Buffy up for a course in Greek Art, that she will share with Tara. They joke together like old friends about the teacher who spits when he talks. The only other course that will fit a hole Buffy has in her schedule at two in the afternoon is about Central America and that would constantly remind her of Riley off fighting monsters with the Army. Buffy claims that she's almost philosophical about Riley leaving, as if it were meant to be, which she comments ironically is usually used to describe bad news. She suggests that they retrieve Willow and eat. Tara tells her about the argument earlier and how Xander got mad at them and left. Buffy seems concerned about Xander and Anya, but Tara assures her that it was a minor quarrel, that caused Xander to leave. Buffy begins to get upset that Xander walked out on Anya, but Tara tries to explain that he didn't really leave her, that it was minor. Breaking down into tears, Buffy worries that minor things can become major things that could destroy Xander and Anya's love. Tara tries to calm her, but Buffy is inconsolable and hugs Tara weeping over the beauty of Xander and Anya's love.

With Anya driving Giles' new red BMW convertible and Willow reading magic parchments, they follow a trail of destruction in search of the big green thing. Willow is impressed that she was able to create such a creature, but Anya is sure that it was somehow imprisoned in one of the crystals on the store counter and Willow just freed it. Willow refuses to take the blame and insists that it must be Anya's fault. As Willow tries to find a way to reverse the spell, she snaps at Anya to put the top up on the car, so the pages she is trying to read will not blow around. Anya tells her that she doesn't know how to do that, she just now figured out the brake. Willow is horrified because Anya didn't say she couldn't drive earlier, but Anya argues that she didn't know if she could drive or not, until she tried. Willow refers to the beast as an Ogre, but Anya quickly corrects her and calls it a Troll. Anya speeds up and Willow worries that Anya might crash the car. Anya nags that Willow should have listened to her since Giles left her in charge. Willow thinks that Giles was wrong about that. Anya reminds her that Xander agreed, but Willow feels that Anya forced him into it. As they speed around a corner, some of the pages blow out of the car.

Xander literally bumps into Spike at the Bronze. Xander immediately tells Spike to shove off, which, of course, encourages the vamp to hang around and irritate Xander. Spike wonders if Xander's obvious depression has something to do with Buffy, but Xander tells him it doesn't. When Spike presses to make sure that Buffy is all right, Xander wonders why Spike would care. Spike pretends that he doesn't.

Buffy and Tara have found the destruction at the shop, but no sign of Willow or Anya. Her fear for Willow has Tara on the verge of tears, but Buffy takes her hand and suggests they look for a trail of destruction.

A crowd on Main Street watches in fear as the Troll knocks aside a Dumpster and shouts his threats against the town's dwellings, crops and daughters. Just then he picks up the scent of ale.

At the Bronze, Xander and Spike are playing pool and talking about women. Xander complains about getting caught in the middle of the fights and that his friends still aren't comfortable with his relationship with Anya. Spike sympathizes and compares it to his love for Drusilla. Xander understands that because Dru's quite mad. Spike again brings up Buffy and soon begins to argue his case for revealing Riley's secret, but Xander doesn't know what he's talking about. The Troll bumps into Spike and both him and Xander gawk at the creature's size. The Troll picks up a keg of beer with one hand, bites a hole in the side and drinks it dry. Before Xander can retreat to find Buffy, the Troll asks him if he knows where there are any babies to eat. Spike suggests the hospital, but Xander distracts the Troll by suggesting some bar food and more drink. Disappointed with Xander's ideas, the monster drinks a second keg as Anya, Willow, Buffy and Tara arrive.

Spike tries to talk to Buffy, but Anya interrupts to tell Buffy that Willow released the Troll. Anya tells Willow to try the reversal spell, but the Troll interrupts complaining that Anyaka is always trying to ruin his fun, just like when they dated. Anya is forced to admit that he is Olaf, an old boyfriend and her first vengeance victim. She changed him into a Troll and thereby won the opportunity to become a Vengence Demon. The Troll argues that the wench he dallied with while dating Anyaka didn't mean anything to him. He vows to kill Anya. He also has a grudge against witches for they were the ones that trapped him in a crystal for centuries. He decides that Willow must die as well. Willow tries a spell, but it doesn't work. Before she can chant another the Troll charges and Buffy leaps into battle, closely followed by Spike. The Troll is powerful and manages to knock Buffy off of him. He uses his hammer to destroy the support columns for a second story platform. The structure falls, endangering people on the platform as well as people below.

Buffy manages to lift a heavy wooden piece off of her chest. The Troll has fled and Buffy assigns Xander to track him. She tells Anya and Willow to return to the shop and find the correct spell to send him back where he came from. After they leave, Buffy helps free people trapped under the heavy debris. She is surprised to see Spike forming a makeshift pillow for an injured woman. When she questions him, he points out that he is merely trying to comfort the injured and, despite all the blood around, he has not tried to drink any, because Buffy would be upset. He can't win, because Buffy is angered by Spike wanting credit for not taking advantage of the wounded. She walks away in disgust, leaving the forlorn vamp to wonder what he has to do to make points with her.

As Willow gathers any book that might have a helpful spell inside, Anya gathers up more of the materials that she says Willow stole to cast the release spell. Willow snaps at Anya for her continued rudeness. She admits that at first Anya was new at being human and didn't know how to act, but that excuse is wearing thin with Willow, since Anya has been human for a while now. Anya claims that lots of rules, including courtesy, are stupid and besides she's not the worst human around. Willow agrees with that, but worries that Anya could go back to her demon ways and try to exact vengeance on Xander one day. Anya begins to argue that it is very difficult to turn someone into a Troll, but then she realizes that Willow is really worried about Xander. She assures Willow that she would never hurt Xander, but Willow reminds Anya that vengeance was her reason for living for a century or so. Anya reminds her that that was when she was a demon, but Willow states that Anya's thirst for vengeance was what made her into a demon and besides women don't have to use demonic powers to do a pretty good job of destroying a man.

Anya thinks that Willow is more dangerous, since she was also offered the job of Vengeance Demon and she is practicing powerful magic that doesn't always work right. Besides, Willow's lips came between Xander and Cordelia, so Anya thinks that Willow is jealous of her relationship with Xander. Willow reminds Anya that she is gay now, which is the first time that Willow has stated it so bluntly. It makes no difference to Anya, because Willow grew up with Xander and will always know him in ways that Anya never will, making it seem as if Anya is the jealous one. Both women argue that they have no desire to see Xander hurt. They are interrupted when Olaf knocks down the door to the shop.

The Troll's upset that he has to interrupt his pillaging to kill the two girls, before they can discover a spell to recapture him. He throws both of them into some shelves behind the sales counter, just as Xander arrives. He leaps to their defense, but of course, he has little success against the hulking monster. He doesn't give up, but before he is seriously injured, the Troll begins to admire his guts and offers him a chance to save one of the women. All he has to do is decide which one should die. Xander resists making a choice, so the Troll breaks his right wrist. Despite the pain, Xander will not choose. The Troll decides to kill Xander instead. Anya begs Olaf to kill her instead of Xander. Willow tries some magic dust and a short spell, but only succeeds in making the cash register disappear again.

Buffy arrives and engages the monster in combat as Anya yells to separate him from his hammer, which is the source of his great strength. Willow tries to come up with a spell and instructs Anya to irritate Olaf enough to give Buffy a break. Anya hurls insults at the beast as Buffy hurls punches, but neither have much effect. Willow chants in Latin, but Olaf's hammer merely glows momentarily. Olaf knocks Buffy aside and begins to yell at Anya that she hasn't changed a bit from the shrew he once knew. Anya barely manages to dodge Olaf's hammer. Willow manages to complete a spell that causes his hammer to glow and fly across the room, out of his grip. Seizing the opportunity, Buffy once again charges the Troll, but is easily knocked aside. She looks at Anya surprised, but Anya tells her that Olaf still has regular Troll strength, which is considerable.

Buffy continues to try beating the Troll or containing him, but Olaf is just too strong. Olaf asks why Buffy is bedeviling him. Is she trying to save Xander and Anya? Even if she does, that doesn't mean that she can save their love. Olaf thinks that Anyaka is a fickle girl that will soon break the weak and fragile Xander's heart anyway. Enraged at Olaf's attack on love, Buffy attacks with renewed vigor. As she begins to have some success, her friends are encouraged. Xander asks Anya if she really dated that guy and she admits its true, but she likes Xander much better. Anya also admits that Willow loves Xander, but not in a way that threatens their relationship.

Buffy finally succeeds in knocking Olaf unconscious and, a short time later, Willow successfully sends Olaf back to Troll Land, or at least as close as she can get, given the difficulty of being accurate with the spell. Anya lists a variety of bizarre dimensions that Olaf could end up in, including a world without shrimp. Buffy is just glad he's gone and she got a war hammer out of the battle. She places the hammer on top of the glass display case and it breaks through, destroying the sales counter. Buffy reflects that despite all the damage to Giles' shop, at least she was able to save Xander and Anya and their relationship. Considering the beauty of their love brings Buffy close to tears.

In Buffy's dining room, Giles considers how bad things would have been if he had been gone longer. Buffy offers that they would have cleaned up with some help from Willow's magic if they had the time. He thinks that considering Willow's magic mistakes, it's a good thing they didn't get a chance to try. Joyce joins them bearing tea and wonders why the Watchers requested Giles make a trip to London when they have no records of Glory to share with him. He figures that they may have information that they didn't realize was about Glory, until he supplied them with more details of what they should be looking for. He is hopeful that they will discover something that will help. Buffy is worried that they may discover the truth about Dawn. Sitting in the room are the only three people that know that Dawn was created from a mystical Key, that Glory is searching for, to complete her evil plans. Some monks formed the magical object into a real human girl, gave her a false history and sent her to be Buffy's sister, so Buffy could protect her from Glory.

Just on the other side of the wall, Dawn comes down the steps in time to hear her name mentioned by the others. She hesitates and listens as they worry about what could happen to Dawn if the truth about her were revealed.