Title: What One Night Can Bring
Author: Angie (Buffy4Angie@aol.com) betareader and fixed up by Dianna
Distribution: I don't care but please tell me first.
Feedback: You know it.
Rating: PG
Summary: What would've happened if after "Surprise" Angel didn't turn evil.
Author's note: This is my first fanfic so please be nice.
Disclaimer: I'm not Joss I don't own one thing cause if i did you woundn't know the name RILEY FINN. So please don't sue cause i don't have anything
Couples: B/A
Dedications: To all the B/A fans and to all the good B/A stories which I love to read and to my friend Dianna.

* * * * *

So this is going to be my life. I'm going to be a mom. Wow. Well look at me. I'm taking you at the end of the story. First of all, my name is Buffy Anne Summers and I love this guy Angel. Well, he isn't a human. He's a vampire. Here's what happened.

It was the night of my 17th birthday and Angel and I just made love for the first time.

"Hey." Angel said, with a big smile on his face.

"Hey back." I replied.

"So did you get everthing you wanted?" Angel asked.

"Everything and more."


"Angel, I feel like this is the beginning of everything."

"Maybe because it is."

* * *

About 3 months later


"Buffy, dear, what is it?" Joyce asked.

"Nothing mom."

"What do you mean nothing? I know those 'ohmy's' now what's happened?"

"Well do you remember Angel?"

"Yeah the boy who's helping you in history."

"Yeah well 'm kind of... We're kind of going out."


"Well I love him and he loves me. And we're going to have-a-baby."

"WHAT? Buffy, are you crazy? You're 17. Does he know? When did you two make love?--- No, I don't want to know--"

"Mom!! No, he doesn't know yet, but he will."

"Buffy, dear, you know he's going to break-up with you!"

"No, he won't! Mom, he loves me!"

"How do you really know that baby? He may say it but..."

"BECAUSE, because mom we have been through a lot... A lot of stuff thoughout the year that we been together!"

* * *

The next night

"Angel! Angel!"

Angel jumped out of his bathroom and jumped right on me and started to kiss me all over.

"Angel stop please!"

"I'm sorry baby I had to."

"Sorry, Angel. I want to, but right now I got to tell you something, ok?"

"Ok, baby."

"Baby, yeah that's it. Angel, I'm....We are going to-have-a-baby."


"Angel...? Angel...? Ohmyohmy I can't believe you just fainted."

* * *

About 1 hour later

"Angel.. Baby, you're up. I was so worried."

"I'm fine but I just had I weird deam. I thought you just told me that you were pregnant."

"I did."

"Wow, I'm going to a father....... I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!! Buffy, I will be the best father. Ok, we have to get married. We have to get married, Buffy, and not just for the baby, but because I love you."

"Really, Angel? Oh, I love you."

"I love you too, baby... Wait we are..."

"We are what?"

"Buffy sit down I have to tell you something."

"Ok, what is it Angel?"

"You know that ring I gave you for your birthday?"

"Yeah, and did I tell you i love it?"

"Yes, you did like 100 times. But it also means that we are married."

"We are?"

"Yeah, but only in my home country. Do you hate me?"

"No, I don't because i love you and... Willow told me."

"She did?"

"Yeah, the day after my birthday."

"So what do you say Buffy Anne Summers, will you married me?"

"Yes, YES. Yes, Angel. I will."

* * * * *

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